Spanish Classes for HealthCare Providers, Bay Area

by Maria Oliveira


Health care providers interact daily and directly with a diverse population. Cultural and language differences often get in the way of effective communication, and when it comes to health care, serious problems can result from misunderstandings. From setting appointments to describing symptoms to explaining how and when to take medications, medical staff frequently depend on casual interpreters such as family members or friends. Sometimes that interpreter is a child, or even a stranger, which creates issues regarding accuracy and privacy. Rather than depending on such individuals, a person planning to enter the health care field would be wise to include second language studies in their schedules, and current providers would also do well to pick up a second language to boost their efficiency and effectiveness.

Choosing that second language should be based on the community that is served, but current demographics predict an increased growth of the Spanish speaking population, which makes the study of Spanish a likely choice. While becoming fluent in any language is a worthy goal, often you can improve your communication with patients by choosing to learn significant and frequently used words and phrases, along with some basic grammatical constructions. For example, learning greetings and common social phrases will put your patient at ease. And obtaining personal information, from street address to ailment, will work better if you can ask the right questions. Having the vocabulary to make the next appointment, to explain a prescription, to understand the symptoms named, ensures good health care service.

There are several ways for medical providers to learn Spanish and become more productive in their chosen field. If you have the time, there are traditional classroom-style programs and Spanish classes that are directed at health care providers. For those who need to fit it into their own schedules, there are self-study audio programs on CDs, and there are workbooks for practice. Maria Oliveira offers all of these options, including on-site classes in Richmond, California. Furthermore, since Maria Oliveira is approved as a Continuing Education Provider, several of these courses, both on-site and self-study varieties, are especially noteworthy for nurses who are interested in the CEUs. Of course, any class approved by the California Board of Registered Nurses would serve you well, no matter which role you play in providing health care, and Maria makes these courses available to all.

For information about our continuing education classes contact us.  Our new Spanish for Healthcare Providers Class will begin soon. Please check the new available dates.  Don’t miss this four-session class that meets on Saturdays at our Language Center in Richmond, CA. Bay Area.

Continuing Education Hours available for Helathcare Providers, and registered nurses.


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